JSampler Manual

by Grigor Iliev

This document is released under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

Updated: Sat, 8 December 2007

NOTE: the development moved to github

the new documentation is available at grigoriliev.github.io/jsampler-fantasia/

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
What is JSampler?
What is a JSampler distribution?
2. Screenshots
3. Installation
What to download?
Running a JSampler distribution
Using a script to run a JSampler distribution
Telling Gnome how to handle jar files
Adding an application launcher to a Gnome panel
Running JSampler on Windows
4. Building from source
Building from CVS
5. Using Orchestras
Managing Orchestras
Managing Instruments
Loading Instruments

Chapter 1. Introduction

What is JSampler?

JSampler is an opensource, platform-independent, GUI front-end for LinuxSampler, written entirely in Java. The main goal of the JSampler's design is to be extensible and more flexible regarding the integration of different GUI implementations. JSampler consists of two parts:

  • JSampler core - handles the LSCP command processing and event notifications, sent by LinuxSampler, and provides convenient data models and controllers to be used instead. The core also provides the necessary interfaces that should be implemented by all JSamler views.

  • JSampler view - an extension to the JSampler core, which provides the user interface part of JSampler.

The main reason for that is the TCP/IP based communication between the LinuxSampler and its front-ends, enabling the sampler to be controlled from another computer or device, which may have different display requirements and limitations.

What is a JSampler distribution?

A JSampler distribution consist of the JSampler core and at least one view, providing the GUI implementation. Each distribution has its own name, which is based on the integrated view extension. Currently, there are two distributions:

  • JS Classic - A distribution with a standard GUI, capable of controlling all features available in LinuxSampler at the time of this writing. JS Classic also provides some additional features to facilitate the every day work with the sampler and to automate the most frequently used configurations.

  • Fantasia - A distribution with a modern skin based view (initial graphic design by Olivier Boyer).

Chapter 2. Screenshots

JS Classic with left pane, LS console, statusbar and toolbars

JS Classic without left pane, LS console, statusbar and toolbars


Chapter 3. Installation

What to download?

Currently, there are two distributions available for download - JS Classic and Fantasia.

The source code is available in the JSampler package, which also contains this manual and startup scripts that can be used to run a particular JSampler distribution.

The latest source code can be obtained from cvs with the following command:

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.linuxsampler.org:/var/cvs/linuxsampler co jsampler


To run JSampler you need Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6 or higher. The latest version can be downloaded from here.

To build JSampler distribution from source you need JDK version 6.0 or higher and the Ant tool.

Running a JSampler distribution

Let's assume that you want to run from the command line JS_Classic-0.8a.jar, which is located in /home/me/soft directory. First you should check whether the java command is in your path and the version requirements are met. This can be done by issuing the following command:

java -version

If the version is 1.6.0 or higher you can run JS Classic by issuing the following command:

java -jar /home/me/soft/JS_Classic-0.8a.jar

Otherwise, if the shell response is something like

bash: java: command not found

or the version requirements are not met, make sure that you have installed JRE (or JDK) with the proper version and find its location:

locate bin/java

The shell should return something like:


Now, we know that we have a JDK with a proper version installed and its location is /opt/jdk1.6.0. In that case, to run JS Classic issue the following command:

/opt/jdk1.6.0/bin/java -jar /home/me/soft/JS_Classic-0.8a.jar


On some systems double clicking on the jar file will be enough.

Using a script to run a JSampler distribution

There are scripts In the scripts directory of the JSampler package that, with a little adjustments (if needed), can be used to run a JSampler distribution. Copy them to a desired location and edit with your preferred editor.

Telling Gnome how to handle jar files

This configuration is optional, but necessary if you want to run jar files by (double) clicking on them. In Gnome, by default jar files are opened with the Archive Manager. To change that, run a file browser, right click on an arbitrary jar file and choose Properties, than go to the Open With tab and click the Add button.

In the Add Application dialog click onto Use a custom command label and a text field will appear below. If the location of your JRE is /opt/jre1.6.0, then enter the following command in the text box:

/opt/jre1.6.0/bin/java -jar

And then click the Add button.

Adding an application launcher to a Gnome panel

To add an application launcher to a Gnome panel, right click on the panel and choose Add to Panel.

Then select Custom Application Launcher and click the Add button. In the Command field, of the Create Launcher dialog, fill in the exact command that you use to run the JSampler. For more information on how to run a JSampler distribution from the command line click here.

Running JSampler on Windows

To run JSampler distribution on Windows, put a shortcut on the Desktop or Quick Launch, right click on the shortcut and choose Properties. In the Target field insert the command javaw -jar in the beginning.

Chapter 4. Building from source

If you want to build a JSampler distribution from source, first make sure that all requirements are met.

Building from CVS

When building from CVS, there are some additional steps that should be done. JSampler uses two additional libraries, that should be downloaded and placed in the lib/required directory:

  • jlscp - A java LinuxSampler control protocol API

  • juife - Java User Interface Framework Extensions

Download these libraries, create a lib/required directory in the JSampler root and copy the jlscp.jar and juife.jar files in that directory:

cd /home/me/soft
wget -c http://downloads.sourceforge.net/jlscp/jlscp-0.7a.tar.bz2
tar -xjf jlscp-0.7a.tar.bz2
wget -c http://downloads.sourceforge.net/juife/juife-0.4a.tar.bz2
tar -xjf juife-0.4a.tar.bz2
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.linuxsampler.org:/var/cvs/linuxsampler co jsampler
cd jsampler
mkdirhier lib/required
cp ../jlscp-0.5a/lib/jlscp.jar lib/required/jlscp.jar
cp ../juife-0.4a/lib/juife.jar lib/required/juife.jar

Then follow the steps in the next section.


To build a JSampler distribution, first set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to your JDK directory. If the JDK is installed in /opt/jdk1.6.0 directory, this can be done by issuing the following command:

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0

Windows users should do something like:

set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.6.0

Go to the JSampler root directory and issue the following command:

ant [target]

Where target can be one of the following:

  • build-jsclassic - Builds a JS Classic distribution.

  • clean-jsclassic - Removes the JS Classic distribution.

  • build-fantasia - Builds a Fantasia distribution.

  • clean-fantasia - Removes the Fantasia distribution.

  • build-coredoc - Generates the API documentation for the JSampler core.

  • clean-coredoc - Removes the API documentation for the JSampler core.

So, if you want to build a JS Classic distribution, just issue the following command:

ant build-jsclassic

Then copy the jar file from the dist directory to the desired location.

Chapter 5. Using Orchestras

Orchestras feature is like bookmarks/favorites for instruments. Instead of having a thousands of unsorted instruments you can categorize your most used instruments for quick access by adding them to orchestras. You can create an arbitrary number of orchestras and in any orchestra you can add an arbitrary number of instruments.


Orchestras are not handled by the back-end (LinuxSampler) and does not depend on the Instruments Database. The orchestras are handled by JSampler and are stored on the local machine in <jsampler-home>/orchestras.xml. To port the orchestras to another machine just copy that file.

Managing Orchestras

Tool buttons:

Create new orchestra

Edit selected orchestra

Remove selected orchestra

To create a new orchestra, click on the Orchestras tab then click the Create new orchestra button in the Manage Orchestras tool:

Then choose orchestra name and description and click OK button.

To remove an orchestra, select the orchestra and click the Remove selected orchestra button. To edit an orchestra, select the orchestra and click the Edit selected orchestra button, or just double-click the orchestra to edit.


To change the position of an orchestra in the orchestra list, select the orchestra and use Alt+Up Arrow and Alt+Down Arrow to move the selected orchestra up/down. You can also use Alt+Shift+Up Arow to move the selected orchestra on top and Alt+Shift+Down Arrow to move the selected orchestra to bottom.

Managing Instruments

Tool buttons:

Add new instrument

Edit selected instrument

Remove selected instrument

To add a new instrument to orchestra, first select the desired orchestra from the combobox then click the Add new instrument button:


The easiest way to add an instrument to orchestra is to right-click an instrument in the Instruments Database, then select Add To Orchestra and choose the orchestra to which to add the selected instrument. Note that you can select and add more than one instrument to orchestra at once.

To remove an instrument, select the instrument and click the Remove selected instrument button. To edit an instrument, select the instrument and click the Edit selected instrument button, or just double-click the instrument to edit.


To change the position of an instrument in the instrument list, select the instrument and use Alt+Up Arrow and Alt+Down Arrow to move the selected instrument up/down. You can also use Alt+Shift+Up Arow to move the selected instrument on top and Alt+Shift+Down Arrow to move the selected instrument to bottom.

Loading Instruments

To load an instrument from orchestra to a sampler channel, right-click on the instrument, select Load Instrument, then choose on which channel to load the selected instrument. You can also load an instrument from orchestra to a sampler channel using the instrument chooser of the sampler channel - click Select instrument from orchestra radio button, choose orchestra and isntrument from the comboboxes and click OK button.

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